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Tango Connection

*Tango Workshops

Discover the fascinating world of tango from the ground up!

Our introductory course introduces you to the passionate rhythms and elegant movements of this emblematic Argentine dance. We will passionately and patiently guide you through the first steps, hugs and turns. Immerse yourself in an intimate connection with yourself and others as you discover the unique language of tango.

 Workshop mit


Ornella Simonetto ist eine der jüngsten und erfolgreichsten Tänzerinnen und Dj*in der Welt. Sie reist 9 Monate im Jahr und arbeitet mit Leo di Coco, mit Juan David Vargas, Pablo Rodriguez auf den wichtigsten Festivals der heutigen Tage. Auch als DJ hat sie es geschafft, in die großen Ligen zu kommen und erarbeitete sich ihren Weg als Künstlerin durch die Welt, alleine. Sie ist eine sehr bewundernswerte Person, Lehrerin und Tänzerin.


Analía Goldberg started at the age of 4 in Buenos

Aires to learn the piano. She then continued her studies in Wiesbaden until she began playing in the biggest and best tango orchestras. Among other things, she was the piano player for Color Tango. She was the first woman to play in an orchestra at that time and now the first woman with her own orchestra, the “Analia Goldberg Orchestra”. She is a fascinating and strong woman who will also be offering a workshop during her visit to Munich.

Montag  16-09 

19 Uhr Fortgeschrittenenkurs  20€
20 Uhr / Deine Lieblings DJ!  @Milonga Loca 20€

Pasinger Fabrik, August-exterstr. 1

Montag und Dienstag 

Privatstunden mit Ornella

 Workshop mit 


Analía Goldberg started at the age of 4 in Buenos

Aires to learn the piano. She then continued her studies in Wiesbaden until she began playing in the biggest and best tango orchestras. Among other things, she was the piano player for Color Tango. She was the first woman to play in an orchestra at that time and now the first woman with her own orchestra, the “Analia Goldberg Orchestra”. She is a fascinating and strong woman who will also be offering a workshop during her visit to Munich.


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